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Livestock Exhibitors

Livestock Award Sponsors

Are you interested in being an award sponsor for the fair? Would you like to personally or have your business sponsor a belt buckle, banner or bag for the exhibitors this year for the Tehama District Fair? Please complete the form and return it to the Fair Office. You can even pick a specific award from the list if you would like. Thanks again for all the support for the Livestock Exhibitors!

Statewide Ban on Poultry and Dairy Cattle Shows

Unfortunately, due to the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 that has become widespread among dairy cattle herds and domestic poultry the CDFA State Veterinarian, Dr. Annette Jones, has implemented a ban on all shows, including the Tehama District Fair.

We appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience and we will communicate any updates we receive! If you have any questions, please contact the Fair Office at (530)527-5920

More Information on H5N1 can be found at https://www.aphis.usda.gov/.../avian.../hpai-detections

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